Learn Leadership Qualities from MS Dhoni Lifestyle

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The world knows that leadership isn’t an easy task and being a leader in any field isn’t an easy position. A leader stumbles through innumerable obstacles and faces countless failures, but if he is consistent in what he does and leads the way for his people with an optimistic mindset, nothing seems difficult to him. One such true leader who has outshone every individual in history is Indian Cricket Captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni a.k.a Captain Cool. 

The world knows him, adores him, and takes inspiration from his life. The Indian captain may look cool from the outside, but when you are leading your country’s team you are bound to undergo pressures and sail through anxieties. But what according to you is MS Dhoni’s mantra to success? Let’s find out in this article and take away some leadership qualities from the great leader himself.

Being in his position may take someone a lifetime to achieve it. History has been a witness to the fact that the cool captain’s life wasn’t one without difficulties and setbacks. Yet courage and determination to do something big and carve a name for oneself had always got his back. From starting his career as a ticket collector at South Eastern Railways to carving his way to becoming the most revered captain in world cricket, his life has been an ideal example of leadership qualities that aspiring leaders can imbibe from him. Take a look at the qualities that Dhoni has showcased on the fields.

Top Leadership Qualities to Imbibe from MS Dhoni’s Lifestyle

1. The Power of Decision-making

 Amongst MS Dhoni’s greatest leadership qualities, is his decision-making ability. His quick decisions have changed the course of the games that India played. Although made abruptly, his decisiveness has always brought the best outcome for his team in the face of risks. Whether it was coming ahead of Yuvraj Singh to bat in the 2011 World Cup finale or asking Saurav Ganguly to captain in his last test, we all know what the rest of it looked like. This is for all leaders, that making quick decisions does not mean making irrational choices in haste. It defines the quality of analyzing the situation and assessing the necessary facts, then making a balanced choice based on the analysis. It is quite evident that all decisions made by the former Indian captain drove the team’s confidence in him which then built their confidence. 

2. The ability to manage success

MS Dhoni has had some phenomenal success moments in his career. And those achievements have brought him fame and adoration from all over the world. Yet he handled them with utmost maturity and never let arrogance come into his way. He is considered one of the most humbled captains and players the world has seen. Despite having wealth, he was never seen disrespecting others around him. This is a quality of a leader that every person should imbibe. No matter your money, and wealth, the way you handle your success and fame defines the kind of administrator you are. Unfortunately, people with such humility like MS Dhoni are difficult to spot around.

3. Balancing pressure

This leadership quality of Cricket Maestro sets him apart from the rest of the players. MS Dhoni is called as Captain Cool for a reason. His calm composure has helped him navigate through various pressures during his match days. Imagine being a captain of the cricket team and the nation’s pride resting upon your shoulders. But if the captain is able to maintain his cool, it ultimately impacts positively on his teammates. Dhoni’s teammates not only gained self-belief, but they also developed trust and respect for their captain. Similarly in life, a leader has to sail through pressures and challenges with a steady and calm demeanor. That is the only way he can motivate his employees and achieve greater heights in this corporate world.  

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4. Managing failures

Not every day in your life can be a smooth walk. Some days it is wins and successes, and on the others, you just need to accept your defeat and move on. The World Cup win of 2011 may be a big turning point for MS Dhoni’s career in terms of the success rate it achieved, but he too saw days of failure when his IPL team-Chennai Super Kings got banned from the tournament on charges of match-fixing. Moreover, he couldn’t sustain himself much in the Test Cricket series and resigned from his post of captaincy when India constantly lost matches. But he answered back strongly to the criticisms that were being posed on his name. He led India’s team to win 2 successful Champions League trophies and CSK to 5 IPL Winner titles under his leadership. Failures are an opportunity to shine back bigger and brighter, the only thing is to keep going and handle failures with grace. 

5. Be Versatile

Dhoni’s versatility has won millions of hearts. Whether it is standing at the batting front, staying alert during fielding, or doing outstanding bowling, he wears all these three hats with fashion. Not only on cricket fields, but Captain Cool has also demonstrated tremendous versatility through his acting skills in TV commercials. This is the true spirit of leadership. In the corporate world, a leader needs to don multiple hats. From managing sales to handling social media, and marketing a brand, a business has various departments and a leader’s job is to roll back and forth between these roles and manage work efficiently. Only one needs to be adaptable to different positions and act accordingly. By working on various fronts, one gains knowledge about different domains, which in turn leads to success in the long run.


Mahendra Singh Dhoni’s life is an inspiration to many people, especially those who aim to be successful leaders in the future. His lifestyle emphasizes the importance of making meaningful decisions, managing stardom and downfalls, and staying versatile to gain success, for these are the main leadership qualities that a leader must possess. His leadership explains that with a positive mindset and resilient attitude, a leader can drive the company’s progress and create huge impacts on his people. Here’s to celebrating the Cricket Maestro every day and imbibing all good qualities from him. 

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