The Impact of Israel-Palestine Conflict: Tech Firms Struggle to Combat Fake News

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5 Min Read

Wars always bring destruction, deaths, and crises along with a lot of tension. Due to this reason, leaders always try to bring harmony. But over the last two years, the world has witnessed a war between two countries. Now two more countries are facing serious tension which has taken the shape of war. However, this has been started by Hamas who unexpectedly attacked Israel over the weekend and in retaliation, Israel counterattacked. Due to the  Israel-Palestine conflict, many sectors have been affected and as expected, this tension has also appeared in the virtual world. Simply said, several Tech firms in Israel-Gaza are struggling to stop falsehoods or fake news. 


We all know that whenever anything happens in the real world it directly affects the virtual world and much fake news starts spreading on social media and creates havoc among netizens. We all know that whenever anything happens in the real world it directly affects the virtual world and much fake news starts spreading on social media and creates havoc among netizens. Something similar is happening in the latest crisis in Israel-Gaza. Many fake accounts are spreading fake news. According to the reports of the Economic Times, many fake accounts are posting fake news which causes more tension and misleading the world.


From fake accounts impersonating reporters to war-themed video games creating false narratives is causing tension among tech platforms. Many tech firms are currently dealing to halt the flood of wrong, fake misinformation. It is not the first time that this kind of misinformation is spreading online, but this time the scale as well as the speed of misinformation are causing tension. We all are familiar with the deadly assault of Israel-Palestine and what destruction it has brought but the fake news is making the situation worse. Tech platforms are understanding the situation and currently working to stop the mislead. 


According to experts, the conflict brought a grim case study of the diminished ability of prominent platforms such as Meta-owned WhatsApp, Facebook and X (the new name of Twitter) to deal with fake news in a climate of cost-cutting and layoffs. This problem is causing frustration among the tech firms. Aggravating the problem on X, are a slew of antagonistic measures such as the restoration of accounts showing fake plots and ad revenue-sharing programs with influencers or content creators that experts state incentivize involvement rather than accuracy. Researchers are afraid that these moves have increased the chances of spreading bogus news. Whatever problems occurred in the virtual world left a deep impact on the real world.


Hence, it is important to spread only the news that is true and it is also the moral duty of the netizens to be careful while sharing the news on conflicts. Speaking about the current scenario of Israel-Gaza, the situation is getting tense as the unprecedented attack of Hamas on Israel took the shape of war and over the five days, thousands of civilians have perished and many have been abducted. While keeping the crisis situation in mind, the government of Israel has issued a notice to tech firms and asked them to take serious action against such bogus news and fake profiles who are responsible for sharing such news.


However, Tech firms are facing struggles while doing it as the more they are taking fake news down, the more fake accounts are posting more. Experts fear that this false or fake information is increasing the risk and provoking harm in the real world, amplifying violence and hate particularly in this fast-paced crisis scenario. We are hoping tech firms will soon tackle the situation.

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