India’s Economic Growth: JPMorgan’s Forecasting a Rise to 3rd Largest Economy by 2027

Business View
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JPMorgan’s Forecasting a Rise to GDP of India

This year is getting quite good for India. Many important events have taken place in the nation which directly or indirectly impact the growth of India. Not only in the financial sector but other sectors also flourished in a positive way. If we continue to move forward in this way, we will soon capture a higher rank in the list of world’s largest economies. At present, India is ranked 5th position in the GDP ranking of the world. But by 2027 we will get the 3rd rank. Shocking right? How it will happen and how we are strongly claiming it?


Well, it is not our thought, in fact, this forecast has been shared by the MD of JPMorgan who states that by 2027, India will become the 3rd largest economy and by 2030, the nation will reach $7 trillion. Recently, James Sullivan, MD of JPMorgan gave an interview to CNBC-Tv18 where he talked about the financial or economic growth of India in upcoming years. During the interview, he says “I would argue very strong long-term tactical drivers that make India a key overweight from a structural perspective from JPMorgan. He further mentioned his assumptions regarding this subject.


According to Sullivan, manufacturing will play a vital role in the rise of India’s GDP. He expects that manufacturing to the GDP of India to rise approximately 25%. We all know that, The manufacturing sector of India is a key contributor to economic growth. It accounts for around 15% in GDP of India and employs around 12% of the workforce of the nation. Sullivan expects that in the upcoming years, the manufacturing sector will export more than double. At present, the GDP of India is $3,730 billion. As per the forecast of JPMorgan  by 2030 it will be $7 trillion. In his interview, he states that “From a long-term perspective, we see huge changes in the overall structure of the Indian economy, which present clear opportunities for sector selection within what we think will be a strong overall market.” 


Not only India, Sullivan further expects that China will further upsurge its economic progress with an “overweight” rating. He said that since 2005, China has never witnessed below-average earnings and it suggests that China might be standing at an inflection point. In the interview he said “Such an inflexion point of China can usually lead to new challenges  and opportunities. These new challenges make it an interesting topic of discussion or develop interest among investors.” He further added that “In China, we have a strong attention on particular industries. If we can align our attention with governmental policies and concentrate on severely damaged industries that provide substantial valuation support, we perceive opportunities.” Thus, each market has a slightly distinct approach to portfolio.”


The report states that China is developing new strategies and stimulating initiatives in order to boost their economy. Moreover, the hints are stating that China may consider increasing its stimulus programme in 2023, which would increase its budget deficit. The objective of this policy is to direct the proceeds of the issue of new government debt into infrastructure projects by issuing at least a trillion yuan, or $137 billion. Reports are further that China is looking more to establish a stock stabilisation fund to motivate investors to invest more in the stock market.

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