Meta has recently introduced its new Artificial Intelligence features and made a test and trial on WhatsApp. Surely many of the users have received Llama-powered generative AI features on their WhatsApp and they have been excited about it. Those who have not got these AI features on WhatsApp are keen to know what kind of facilities it will provide and how it will enhance users’ experience. As of now, only selective numbers have witnessed this feature trial on their WhatsApp (these numbers were randomly selected). This new generative AI feature is powered by Llama which is introducing a Perplexity AI-like UI within WhatsApp.
What Are the New AI Capabilities of WhatsApp?
Meta has finally introduced its AI feature in the form of an assistant on WhatsApp. The new AI capability of WhatsApp is accessible for selective iOS and Android users and similarly, the selective users can access the same within the app through the Meta AI chat. Like other chatbots, this one also says “Ask Meta AI anything”. Through this chatbot, a user can ask Meta AI questions, interact and even generate images with the help of prompts. This AI feature allows the users to use it in both group and personal chat on WhatsApp.
The latest Meta AI is only available in English and only a few selected countries have access to it including India. This feature allows the users to have a chat with the Meta AI assistant, and find information as well as recommendations directly on WhatsApp. The new AI features on WhatsApp are pretty similar to other chatbots such as ChatGPT of OpenAI, Gemini of Google and Copilot of Microsoft. The new Meta’s AI feature offers numerous AI features, including answering questions on numerous subjects or topics, suggesting ideas, translating languages, and generating text and images.
WhatsApp has earlier introduced generative AI features
It is not the first time, Meta has done testing on WhatsApp, a few months ago, the company began testing AI-generated images and this time, Meta launched generative AI features on WhatsApp. All these tests have been made only on a few selective users of WhatsApp. In a released statement, WhatsApp states that “Meta may use the AI messages to enhance the quality of AI”. Meta further added that “Meta AI can only read and reply to questions that mention @Meta AI, not any others. Personal messages are never sent to Meta and are end-to-end encrypted, meaning not even WhatsApp or Meta can see or listen to them.” Apart from that, to use the new Meta AI features on WhatsApp, the users need to permit AI and agree on the AI terms of Meta.
“Honored and proud of our designers!” is how Perplexity CEO Aravind Srinivas put it about how similar the Llama-powered Meta AI’s WhatsApp user interface is to Perplexity AI. Apart from WhatsApp, Meta also tested the new Meta’s AI features powered by Llama on Instagram, a photo and video-sharing platform. The new Meta AI feature enables Insta users to generate hashtags and captions with the help of it. In the latest addition to it, Instagram will soon get an AI-powered chatbot to enhance the users’ experience.