4th Gender Equality Summit 2021 ‘Covid and New Gender Equations: Adversity to Opportunity’

Business View
2 Min Read

As a United Nations Global Compact Local Arm, Global Compact Network India (GCNI) has been acting as a country level platform in providing a robust platform for Indian businesses, academic institutions, and civil society organizations to join hands for strengthening responsible business practices. We and our members remain fully committed to the ‘10 Principles of United Nations Global Compact’ in areas of Human Rights, Labor, Environment and Anti-corruption and the ‘17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)’ adopted in September 2015, by all 193 Member States of the United Nations including India in order to end extreme poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and protect our planet.

Amongst multifaceted activities, the Gender Equality Summit is the flagship event of the GCNI in terms of SDG 5 Gender Equality, the 4th in its series Summit is scheduled to be held around International Women’s Day on 9th -10th March 2021, Virtual on the theme Covid and New Gender Equations: Adversity to Opportunity. Deloitte is the Knowledge Partner.

Knowing your commitment towards making a Gender Equal Planet by 2030, I am writing this with a special request to be the Media Partner for GES 2021

GES 2021 in India carries forward the momentum built by the previous three summits around Gender Equal India. It resonates the global commitment towards developing a strong India roadmap towards gender equality by discussing policies, leadership, gender-specific initiatives, and technology that can enable women to recover and thrive in a post-COVID world to emerge as equal participants in the workforce across the formal and informal sectors. It provides a national platform to discuss our collective responsibility and exploring pathways towards gender inclusive outcomes in society and specifically the workforce.

For details & brochure, please visit: https://www.globalcompact.in/frontend/web/4th-gender-equality-summit/

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