A fire incident occurred at Bangalore airport which created a ruckus situation. According to the reports, the plane’s engine caught fire, forcing it to make an emergency landing. This incident occurred on Saturday night when the Air India Express plane was stuck in a serious situation and the passengers were worried for their lives. The video regarding the same has been viral on social media platforms and passengers can be heard screaming. Within a few minutes, the video got millions of views and netizens started looking to know the details of the entire situation.
As mentioned above, one of the engines of the aircraft caught fire which resulted in an emergency landing. The reports suggested that the plane aboard an Airbus A320 had just departed from Bangalore and was heading to Cochin International Airport in Kerala when the horrifying incident took place. The viral video captured the terrifying incident in which a bright light can be glowing underneath a wing of the plane as it is flying prior to the video cuts to a shot of the plane on the tarmac.
Video Of The Incident Displaying The Panic Situation
The passengers were asked to wait inside the cabin before eviction, however, the fire was getting intensified which resulted in a panic situation. To make passengers calm down, the flight attendants asked the passengers to sit down in their places instead of creating a stir on the plane. In the video, a steward can be heard shouting over passengers who were screaming. The steward can be heard saying “Please be seated! Everything is under control.” The viral video further showed the passengers were taking an exit from the plane and moving along the tarmac.
The airline released a statement while narrating the incident stating that, the pilots “elected” to return to Bengaluru Kempegowda International Airport and “carried out a precautionary landing” after the engine caught fire. No passengers were harmed during the incident as stated by the airline. The airline added that the landing was successful and the passengers were evacuated without spotting any injuries. In a released statement, the airline stated “We regret the inconvenience this has caused and are working to provide alternative arrangements for our guests to reach their destination as soon as possible. A thorough investigation with the regulator shall be accomplished to establish the cause.”
Passengers Were Safely Evacuated
Passengers who were onboard the Air India Express flight recounted the panic situation after a fire broke out in one of the plane’s engines. The majority of them reached the Cochin International Airport around Sunday afternoon on another flight arranged by the airline from Bengaluru. While talking with the media, the passengers who faced the panic situation stated that after noticing the fire the passengers were panic-stricken. One of the passengers recounted that the incident of fire occurred soon after the take-off from Kempegowda International Airport (KIA) in Bengaluru.
A passenger told the media outlet that “Everyone got scared and cried loudly.” She further appreciated the action taken by the airline. She admired the responsibility shown by the crew in evacuating the passengers from the flight soon after the emergency landing at Kempegowda Airport. She stated “They were very responsible. They assisted us in exiting. They did everything possible in one minute to rescue us. We are grateful to them.”
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