The wait is finally over for the fans of Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt. The most beloved couple in Bollywood has finally revealed the face of their lovely daughter. Ever since the power couple appeared in front of the media along with their daughter “Raha“, this news has been trending and circulating all over social media. The entire social media platform has been filled with pictures and videos of her and everyone is mesmerized with the cuteness of the toddler. Her appearance is assumed to be a Christmas surprise gift for the fans of the power couple who have been desperate for a long time to watch her face.
Ranbir and Alia appeared with daughter Raha
The first public appearance of the couple along with their daughter is an unexpected move taken by them as we all know that the couple was quite particular about the privacy of their daughter. The most beloved couple in the entertainment industry has always been protective when it comes to their daughter and this appearance is one of the most anticipated things that fans have been waiting for. On the occasion of Christmas, the couple posed with their daughter in front of the paparazzi. It only takes a few minutes for the videos and photos to go viral on social media and everyone is seen only talking about the cuteness of the baby.
In the viral photos, the Animal’s protagonist was seen carrying his daughter in his arms and Alia can be seen standing along with them. Ranbir and Alia’s daughter was wearing a beautiful white frock and had two cute little ponytails. The couple who is known for protecting the privacy of their family stepped out for a family lunch on the occasion of Christmas and they were seen offering the much-awaited glimpse of Raha. Not only her look but her eyes are also the main attraction among netizens. The toddler has beautiful green eyes which makes her more cute. Her appearance is enough to sideline the appearance of her parents as people are only talking about her and thanking the couple for finally revealing their daughter’s face.
After the photos and videos of the couple along with their daughter surfaced on the internet, the fans started commenting on it. The enthusiasm and happiness of the fans are visible in their comments, expressing their joy and happiness over the first look of Raha. One of the fans of Alia commented “Oh my god, her eyes”. Another fan wrote, “Raha is adorable. No doubt, she resembles Dada Rishi Kapoor.” Some fans are talking about her eyes and cute face and thanking the couple for sharing a glimpse of their daughter.
The couple tied the wedding knot on 14th April 2022 and shared their pregnancy news in June 2022. After a few months, on 6th November 2022, the power couple of Bollywood welcomed their daughter, Raha. While announcing the arrival of their baby girl, Alia made a post regarding it on her social media account and stated “And in the best news of our lives:- Our baby is here…and what a magical girl she is. We are officially bursting with love- Blessed and obsessed PARENTS!!! Love love love Alia and Ranbir. The first public appearance of Raha was an unexpected move taken by the couple as the couple had refrained from sharing photos or permitting the media to capture her photos.