A video has been circulated on social media attracting the attention of netizens. In this viral video, thousands of tourists were seen stuck in a heavy traffic jam. The reports state that the video is from Himachal Pradesh and tourists were stuck at Atal Tunnel, Rohtang La. This news is currently circulating all over social media and people are looking to know the current status of it and what exactly has happened. According to the reports, this video has been posted by ANI which showcases that in the 9.2 Km Atal Tunnel, thousands of tourists were stuck in a huge traffic jam on the occasion of Christmas.
The tunnel was constructed under the Rohtang Pass in the eastern Pir Panjal range of the Himalayas that connect Lahaul and Spiti with Kullu districts. In the video, we can see that passengers were worried and exhausted. They wanted to reach their destination as soon as they could. Thousands of people visited Himachal Pradesh to spend their long weekend and they used Atal Tunnel as the parking lot. The reports state that the National Highway that connects Keylong and Manali, a significant artery for accessing Rohtang Pass and the iconic Atal Tunnel has become a parking space.
According to the reports, heavy traffic is reported between Solang Nala to Atal Tunnel, Manali and Vashisth Chowk, and Potato Ground to Rangadi, prolonging for kilometers. The viral video also shows thousands of cars and buses waiting in a long queue in the tunnel. This massive rush of tourists in Himachal Pradesh is in the wake of Christmas and New Year which resulted in a huge jam and it will continue to happen till the first week of January 2024. This huge traffic rush has been showcasing since last weekend and people are still coming to Himachal to celebrate New Year, which means the congestion will continue in the picturesque hill station.
The reports state that destinations like Manali and Kasol in Himachal Pradesh are the main centers for tourists to visit and spend their festive season. The flock of tourists became the reason for huge traffic jams daily and on Christmas huge lines were spotted in the Atal Tunnel and many people used the tunnel as their parking spot. In addition to this, Himachal Pradesh’s Police have stated that they are assuming more than 1 lakh tourists will appear on the eve of New Year. Speaking about the latest viral video of Atal Tunnel is trending on social media and those who are planning to celebrate New Year’s Eve are rethinking visiting there in the wake of a huge number of tourists.
Apart from this video, visuals and videos from Shimla, Manali, Kullu, and other hill stations showcasing thousands of cars and other vehicles that were stuck in traffic jams. Besides this, the Mayor of Shimla has organized a first-ever winter carnival in the city to attract tourists. Moreover, the huge rush is also spotted as the first snowfall of this season is expected to happen this week. As we mentioned above, the traffic jams and congestion will remain by the next week or the first week of January. To know more such news just be connected with us.